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Revolutionizing Sanity Testing with HAKIM

Title: Revolutionizing Sanity Testing with HAKIM: My Journey as an Android Developer and Product Owner at LG Soft India


In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, ensuring the stability and reliability of applications is paramount. Sanity testing plays a crucial role in verifying the functionality of new features before comprehensive testing. Recognizing the need for an efficient solution, I embarked on an exciting journey to build HAKIM, an innovative UI automation tool for Android. This blog post will take you through the development process, from conception to implementation, and the impact it has had on the testing practices of internal teams.

Understanding the Pain Points:

To create an effective solution, I dove deep into the day-to-day challenges faced by internal teams. By closely analyzing their operations and pain points, I discovered the pressing need for an automated tool that could streamline sanity testing on Android devices.

The Birth of HAKIM:

Inspired by the invaluable insights gained from the teams, I conceptualized HAKIM as a robust UI automation tool tailored specifically for Android. My main goal was to simplify and expedite sanity testing processes, reducing manual effort and improving overall efficiency.

Wireframes and Stakeholder Approval:

To ensure that HAKIM would meet the requirements and expectations of stakeholders, I crafted initial wireframes manually. These wireframes showcased the proposed features and functionalities of the tool. After sharing them with stakeholders and incorporating their feedback, I obtained the necessary approvals to proceed with the development phase.

Architecting the System:

As a developer, I took charge of architecting the entire HAKIM system. This involved designing the underlying infrastructure, carefully crafting the user interface, and integrating the necessary functionalities to support sanity testing. I kept scalability, extensibility, and maintainability in mind to create a robust and adaptable tool.

Expanding the Team:

Recognizing the immense potential of HAKIM, I brought on board QA engineers who were interested in transitioning to automation. These enthusiastic individuals were passionate about learning and eager to contribute to the development of the tool. Through comprehensive training sessions, I empowered them to write automation scripts using Java, enabling them to play an active role in the project.

Scaling and Expanding the Scope:

With a proficient team in place, we scaled our efforts and expanded the scope of HAKIM’s automation framework. By collaborating closely with multiple teams across the organization, we gathered their requirements and integrated the necessary features into a unified application. This collaborative approach ensured that HAKIM became a versatile tool capable of catering to a wide range of testing needs.

Integration and Enhanced Functionality:

To maximize HAKIM’s potential and increase its value to internal teams, I engaged in extensive discussions with various teams to understand their specific requirements. Through effective communication and continuous feedback loops, we successfully integrated crucial features and functionalities, making HAKIM a comprehensive solution for UI automation and sanity testing.


The development of HAKIM, an Android UI automation tool, has revolutionized the way internal teams conduct sanity testing. By addressing the pain points associated with manual testing processes, HAKIM has significantly enhanced efficiency, reduced human error, and accelerated the delivery of reliable applications.

My journey, from identifying the need to expanding the scope and integrating features, has been a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation. With HAKIM in place, internal teams can now perform sanity testing with ease, empowering them to focus on higher-value tasks and drive overall software quality to new heights.

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Published Oct 2, 2022

Product Guy and Software Engineer, Full Stack @GRAB